BRPT - AASM Quality Performance: Metrics to Improve Care
BRPT - Accreditation: A Vital Step to Becoming a Leader as a Sleep Medicine Provider
BRPT - Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
BRPT - An Understanding of COPD for the Sleep Medicine Professional
BRPT - Analyzing the EKG: Understanding Arrhythmias and Damage to the Heart
BRPT - Artificial Intelligence and Population Management
BRPT - Asthma and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Identification, Understanding and Treatment
BRPT - Auditing for Regulatory Adherence to Complement Accreditation Standards
BRPT - Body Positioning during Sleep and Weight Loss: Changing Behavior to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea
BRPT - Bridging Sleep Testing Diagnosis and Therapy into a Comprehensive Sleep Program
BRPT - Bruxism
BRPT - Cannabis and Sleep
BRPT - CCSH Innovation and Creative Thinking: Expanding the Influence
BRPT - Chronic Pain and Sleep Deficiency
BRPT - Circadian Rhythms and School Start Times: Are Schools Holding Back Our Students?
BRPT - Consumer Sleep Technology
BRPT - Coronary Heart Disease, Heart Failure and Sleep Testing
BRPT - Covid-19’s Effect on My Sleep Program: A Case Study
BRPT - CPAP and Oxygen - Matching Systems to Patient's Needs
BRPT - CPAP: Effect on OSA and Type 2 Diabetes
BRPT - Cultural and Process Improvements in the Sleep Testing Facility
BRPT - Defining and Measuring Competency
BRPT - Documentation: A Pathway to Preventing Billing Nightmares
BRPT - Falls Prevention in Sleep Care Settings
BRPT - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
BRPT - Humidification with CPAP: Pathophysiology and Treatment Rationale
BRPT - Hypersomnia: Causes, Treatment, and a Link to OSA
BRPT - Infection Prevention and Control in Sleep Testing Facilities
BRPT - Insomnia - Diagnosis and Treatment
BRPT - Integration of Home Sleep Testing to Enhance a Market Presence
BRPT - Management of Insomnia Using Behavioral Sleep Medicine
BRPT - Modes of PAP Therapy
BRPT - Narcolepsy
BRPT - Non-Invasive Ventilation
BRPT - Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
BRPT - Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Erectile Dysfunction and Atrial Fibrillation; Coexisting Conditions or Syndrome
BRPT - Oral Appliances: An Effective Alternative for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
BRPT - Overlap Syndrome (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & Obstructive Sleep Apnea)
BRPT - Patient Education: Increasing Adherence with Therapy
BRPT - Pediatric Sleep Disorders
BRPT - Recording Seizures in the Sleep Center
BRPT - Respiratory System Overview
BRPT - Restless Leg Syndrome I
BRPT - Restless Leg Syndrome II (2)
BRPT - Role of ASV Technology in the treatment of Sleep Disorder Breathing
BRPT - Shift Work Sleep Disorder
BRPT - Sleep across the Age Continuum: A Gift of Sleep For the Preschooler
BRPT - Sleep Across the Age Continuum: How Sleep in the Golden Years Changes
BRPT - Sleep Across the Age Continuum: Is There Anything Normal About Teen and Adolescent Sleep?
BRPT - Sleep Apnea Co-morbidities: Relationships with Obesity, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
BRPT - Sleep Disordered Breathing and Pregnancy
BRPT - Sleep Telemedicine: It’s About Time with Dr. Jagdeep Bijwadia (Webinar)
BRPT - Social Perceptions and Communication Barriers Resulting in Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly
BRPT - Telemedicine in Sleep: Pre and Post Pandemic
BRPT - The Challenge of Assessing and Treating OSA: A Case for Understanding Opioid Use
BRPT - The Clinical Application of MSLT and MWT
BRPT - The Connection between Childhood Disordered Breathing and ADHD
BRPT - The Gift of Sleep for Parents and Child
BRPT - The Importance of Billing and Coding Correctly In the Sleep Center
BRPT - Treating Central Sleep Apnea in a Cardiovascular Disease Population
BRPT - Treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Hypoglossal nerve stimulation
BRPT - Understanding Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Failure
BRPT - Understanding Respiratory Failure: A Foundation for Sleep Medicine Clinicians
BRPT - Understanding Sleep Apnea